May 2024
METRO Promotes Sustainable Commuting at Chevron Bike Fair

In early May, METRO's Public Engagement and Client Services team took part in the Chevron Bike Fair in downtown Houston, showcasing the integration of biking and public transportation.
The Houston Planning and Development Department, Bike Houston, and other cycling advocacy groups also participated in the event.
At the METRO booth, attendees found a wealth of information on seamlessly combining biking and riding. A demonstration of loading a bike onto a METRO local bus using a mobile rack further showed how this integrated transit approach works.

A Chevron employee visits METRO's booth to learn more about commuting options.
Other commute solutions, such as the Star Vanpool program and discounted fares, were also highlighted.
Jeanette De Los Santos, a METRO senior public engagement specialist, said the event demonstrates METRO's commitment to providing sustainable and accessible commuting options.
"The event focused on the benefits of biking for individuals and emphasized the vital role that public transportation plays in facilitating and enhancing the biking experience, making it a more viable and attractive option for daily commuting," said De Los Santos.

Jeanette De Los Santos said the Chevron Bike Fair highlights METRO's commitment to providing sustainable and accessible commuting options.