Questions & Answers: Riding METRO

On this page, you can get answers to common questions about riding METRO, all in one place.

Feedback / Complaints

You can leave feedback by doing any of the following:

Specific wrongdoing or abusive treatment by a METRO Police Officer during a traffic stop or arrest is a valid complaint and will be investigated fully. However, disagreements over the validity of a citation or arrest don’t constitute a valid complaint. These matters are to be resolved in the proper court with any evidence that may exist.

Yes. You can submit a complaint online in the METRO Police section of the ONE to Ride App.

The only personal information you’re required to provide is your email address.

Yes. All formal complaints must be received within 30 days of the alleged incident unless a waiver is granted by the METRO Chief of Police. Any complaint can be made anonymously, without giving your name. However, you can’t be informed of the internal review’s result if you choose to remain anonymous.

You can pick up a complaint packet at 1900 Main Street or download and print the sworn affidavit form which will need to be notarized before being submitted. If you require a notary, you may come to 1900 Main Street and your document will be notarized at no charge.

Once notarized, the form may be submitted:




METRO Police Department
Attn: Professional Standards Section
1900 Main St.
Houston, Texas 77002

The METRO Chief of Police.

After a thorough investigation, the complaint will be classified into one of the following dispositions:

Act was lawful and proper.

Incident did not occur or affected employee was not involved.

Not Sustained
Insufficient evidence was found to clearly prove or disprove the allegation.

The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence. Violation of policy and procedure did occur, and the appropriate administrative action will be taken

Misconduct Not Based on Complaint – Sustained
Substantiated misconduct not alleged in the complaint, but disclosed in the investigation.

Policy Failure
The allegation is true and the action of the department or the employee was consistent with Agency policy.

There are five types of disciplinary action which can be recommended for a sustained case: 

  • Training 
  • Counseling 
  • Written reprimand 
  • Suspension 
  • Termination

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